Get Involved
Ways to Give Back
Because Of Your Generosity...
We are able to provide the following services for WOMEN & CHILDREN who are fleeing abuse and violence:
Safe Shelter
Court Advocacy
Sexual Assault | Abuse Counselling
and more…
Together, we are creating a society free of abuse and violence.
Every Dollar Helps
All donations are eligible for a tax receipt and if you wish you can designate how you want your donation to be spent (see list below):
- $15 will purchase 5 single ride bus passes
- $15 will purchase Safety Alarms
- $25 will purchase Grocery/Walmart gift cards
- $40 will purchase Self Care Kits
- $50 will purchase Cleaning buckets
Donate Online
(every woman receives a bucket filled with cleaning supplies when she moves into her new home)

Thank you for giving financially to help us #ENDVAW.
Physical Donations
Women In Crisis (Algoma) Inc. would like to thank the community for their tremendous support over the years. It is through your generosity that we have been able to support women and children in many different ways.
After much consideration and heartbreak, we have decided that we are no longer able to accept used clothing, toys or books at the Shelter. The donation bins have become a Health & Safety issue for donors, women and children and Shelter Staff. This has been a very difficult decision, but we can no longer have the risk it creates for all involved.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter If you have any questions please contact us!
Local: 705.759.1230
* PLEASE NOTE: This does not include household items or furniture. Please call for further direction.
Thank you for your continued support! - Board of Directors
Volunteer Opportunity
Women In Crisis is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of 11 Community members. The Board of Directors strives to be diverse and inclusive representing the community we serve.
All Board Members are required to commit for a three (3) year term. Board Meetings occur the 4th Tuesday of every month (with the exception of December, July and August) Additional Sub-Committee meetings occur a minimum of once per fiscal or as needed.
If you feel passionate about the work that we do, and have the time to dedicate to the organization, please contact us to learn more or you can complete the application form below in accompaniment with your resume and cover letter – Attention to the Chair of the Membership/Nominating Committee.
All applications will be reviewed annually and only those selected to be interviewed will be contacted early spring.
If you would like additional information regarding the Board of Directors please view the Board of Directors Information Package.
Thank you for your interest in serving on our Board of Directors.
Women In Crisis (Algoma) Inc. is dedicated towards the elimination of violence against women and children in our community and district.
Our team provides advocacy and support for women experiencing abuse and violence.
Please see below for current employment opportunities: